Formular s multivalued params
Pavel Kunc
kupa na
Pondělí Listopad 15 18:39:53 MET 1999
Dobry den,
chtel bych se zeptat proc nefunguje nasledujici script tak jak by snad mel
tedy, ze by mel tisknout "author LIKE shakespeare AND author LIKE goethe
AND. ........", ale tiskne jen prvni spojeni tedy "author LIKE shakespeare".
use CGI;
$query = new CGI;
for (@names) {$Pary{$_} = $query->param($_);}
$sql = join ' AND ', map{$_.' LIKE '.$Pary{$_};} sort keys %Pary;
print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";
print "$sql", "<br>", "\n";
exit (0);
Diky Pavel Kunc
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